Documents Archive
Deposition for the Georgia Green Party
Letter to members of Canadian Parliament - Bill C6- Conversion Therapy​
Letter to Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee - Bill C6 - Conversion Therapy
Email to the Senate Committee - Conversion Therapy Bill
Full Brief to the Canadian Senate - Conversaion Therapy
Parliament Hill Newspaper ad - Conversion Therapy Bill
Brief - Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act (Ontario)
Position Statement - SOGI 123 in public schools
(WOLF) Submission to the United Nations Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity
Press Release - Harassment following WOLF letter to UN
Rapid Response - Rethinking sex-assigned-at-birth questions- BMJ
Genspect: Transition in hindsight: Aaron Kimberly’s story
National Post: Canada too quick to treat gender dysphoria in minors
​Response to: This Wasn’t a Split-Second Decision (Bioethics)

Deposition for the Georgia Green Party
Letter to members of Canadian Parliament - Bill C6- Conversion Therapy​
Letter to Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee - Bill C6 - Conversion Therapy
Letter - Florida Board of Medicine
Letter - EPATH (multi organization)
Social Media campaign - WPATH SOC8
Letter - to every major LGBT resource centre in Canada
True North - GUEST OP-ED: What nobody told me about transition, but should have
Genspect - College Presentation
EPOCH TIMES: Critics Say BC’s Self-ID Gender Policy Opens Door to Abuse
MEDSCAPE: WPATH Removes Age Limits From Transgender Treatment Guidelines
Gender Clinic News: Shaky Foundations
American Academy of Pediatrics is accused of pushing trans-identifying teens...
Brief to the Standing Committee on Health
Document - Types of Gender Dysphoria
Annual Report
Petition 441-01628 to the House of Commons
Press Release: Petition - We have gender dysphoria and want our healthcare back
Petition - We have gender dysphoria and want our healthcare back
Epoch times: Advocacy Group Tells Medical Societies to Ditch Transgender Ideology
Epoch Times - Major Association of US Doctors Makes Official Statement on transgender...
Quillette - When Trans Activism Becomes Government Policy
National Post: Canadians who reverse gender transition deserve better care
Affidavit - Court of Queen Bench Regina, Saskatchewan